Neueste Veröffentlichungen
Hintermeier M., Gottlieb N., Rohleder S., Oppenberg J., Baroudi M., Pernitez-Agan S., Lopez J., Flores S., Mohsenpour A., Wickramage K., Bozorgmehr K. COVID-19 among migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons: systematic review, meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis of the global empirical literature. eClinicalMedicine 2024.
Link zum Artikel
Costa, D., Scharpf, F., Weiss, A., Ayanian, A., Bozorgmehr, K. Intimate partner violence during COVID-19: systematic review and meta-analysis according to methodological choices. BMC Public Health 2024; 24(313).
Link zum Artikel
Biddle L, Hintermeier M, Costa D, Wasko Z, Bozorgmehr K. Context, health and migration: a systematic review of natural experiments. eClinicalMedicine.
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Aktuell laufende Reviews
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Kayvan Bozorgmehr, Zahia Wasko, Michael Knipper, Sven Rohleder, Abdelkrim Boukachabia, Reem Mussa. Pushback practices and violence towards migrants crossing European borders: protocol for a rapid systematic review. PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022369975.
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Kayvan Bozorgmehr, Maren Hintermeier, Nora Gottlieb, Amir Mohsenpour, Sven Rohleder, Renke Biallas, Louise Biddle. Unintended consequences of public health and social measures implemented in the setting of reception and collective accommodation centres for refugees to prevent SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and its consequences. PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022384673.
Link zum PROSPERO Protokoll
Nora Gottlieb, Andreas W. Gold, Niklas Nutsch, Stella Duwendag, Kayvan Bozorgmehr. The electronic health insurance card for asylum-seekers in Germany: Systematic review of empirical studies on effects on health, health care, and health system outcomes. PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022309943.
Link zum PROSPERO Protokoll
Maren Hintermeier, Amir Mohsenpour, Nora Gottlieb, Sergio Flores, Rohleder Sven, Sweetmavourneen Pernitez-Agan, Janice Lopez, Kolitha Wickramage, Kayvan Bozorgmehr. Refugees, migrants, internally displaced people and COVID-19: protocol for an updated systematic review. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021296952.
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Abgeschlossene Reviews
Hintermeier M., Gottlieb N., Rohleder S., Oppenberg J., Baroudi M., Pernitez-Agan S., Lopez J., Flores S., Mohsenpour A., Wickramage K., Bozorgmehr K. COVID-19 among migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons: systematic review, meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis of the global empirical literature. eClinicalMedicine 2024.
Link zum Artikel
Costa, D., Scharpf, F., Weiss, A., Ayanian, A., Bozorgmehr, K. Intimate partner violence during COVID-19: systematic review and meta-analysis according to methodological choices. BMC Public Health 2024; 24(313).
Link zum Artikel
Biddle L, Hintermeier M, Costa D, Wasko Z, Bozorgmehr K. Context, health and migration: a systematic review of natural experiments. eClinicalMedicine.
Link zum Artikel
Wahedi, K., Zenner, D., Flores, S., Bozorgmehr, K. Mandatory, voluntary, repetitive, or one-off post-migration follow-up for tuberculosis prevention and control: A systematic review. PLOS Medicine. 2023;20(1).
Link zum Artikel
Jahn, R., Hintermeier, M., & Bozorgmehr, K. SARS-CoV-2 attack rate in reception and accommodation centres for asylum seekers during the first wave: systematic review of outbreak media reports in Germany. Journal of Migration and Health. 2022;5:100084.
Link zum Artikel
Mohsenpour A, Bozorgmehr K, Rohleder S, Stratil J, Costa D. SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis. eClinicalMedicine. 2021;38.
Link zum Artikel
Hintermeier M, Gencer H, Kajikhina K, Rohleder S, Hövener C, Tallarek M, Spallek J, Bozorgmehr K. SARS-CoV-2 among migrants and forcibly displaced populations: A rapid systematic review. Journal of Migration and Health. 2021;4:100056.
Link zum Artikel
Biddle L, Wahedi K, Bozorgmehr K. Health system resilience: a literature review of empirical research. Health Policy Plan. 2020;35(8):1084-1109.
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Berichte der RRRUn
Bozorgmehr K, Hintermeier M, Gottlieb ND, Mohsenpour A, Biddle LR. Interim Report. Unintended consequences of public health and social measures implemented in the setting of reception and collective accommodation centres for refugees to prevent SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and its consequences (UNICORE-RESYST) (Technical Report). Evidence Synthesis Series. Vol 2023-01. Bielefeld: Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften, AG Bevölkerungsmedizin und Versorgungsforschung, Rapid Review Response Unit (RRRUn); 2023.
Link zum Report
Mohsenpour A, Bozorgmehr K, Rohleder S, Stratil J, Costa D. SARS-CoV-2 Infektionen und Kontrollstrategien bei Menschen, die von Wohnungslosigkeit betroffen sind (Policy Brief). Evidence Synthesis Series. Vol 2021-01. Bielefeld: Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften, AG Bevölkerungsmedizin und Versorgungsforschung, Rapid Review Response Unit (RRRUn); 2021.
Link zum Report
Hintermeier, M., Gottlieb, N., Rohleder, S., Oppenberg, J., Baroudi, M., Pernitez-Agan, S., Lopez, J., Flores, S., Mohsenpour, A., Wickramage, K., Bozorgmehr, K (2023). COVID-19 among migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons: systematic review, meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis of the global empirical literature. medRxiv 2023.08.03.23293586
Link to Preprint
Biddle, L, Hintermeier, M., Costa, D., Wasko, Z., & Bozorgmehr, K. (2023). Context and health: a systematic review of natural experiments among migrant populations. medRxiv 2023.01.18.23284665
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